Akiachak (Akiacuaq in Central Yup'ik) is a Yup’ik Eskimo village with a fishing and subsistence lifestyle. It is located 12 miles northeast of Bethel on the Kuskokwim River and has about 715 residents. The village was the first in Alaska to dissolve its city government in favor of Native village governance.
The area averages 16 inches of precipitation, with snowfall of 50 inches. Summer temperatures range from 42 to 62 °F. Winter temperatures range from −2 to 19 °F.
A state-owned 1,649 foot long by 40 foot wide gravel airstrip provide scheduled and chartered services year-round to Akiachak through Yute Commuter Services and Ravn Air Alaska. Boats, snowmachines and ATVs are used extensively by locals on the Kuskokwim River. An ice road exists to Bethel during the winter.
Akiachak English Pronunciation Akiacuar Yup'ik Pronunciation
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